Cookies policies

When browsing you should know that its owner: Aitor Jiménez Canino with registered office at Apartado de Correos 494 CP38200 San Cristobal de La Laguna, S / C de Tenerife. -DNI number: 78556134W and contact email : uses navigation, analytical and social cookies.

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer / smartphone or tablet, it is used to store and retrieve information about the navigation that is carried out from your computer.

Below you can see more information about the cookies used by this website:

Site’s own cookies

They are strictly necessary, they serve to control your user session, preferences and other details of the operation of the web. The website will not function properly or you will not have access to it if you do not allow at least these cookies.

Analytic Cookies

Analytics is used to know certain aspects related to visits to such as origin, searches, time spent on the site, most visited pages, etc.

Personal information is not included, simply statistical data on the use of the site that allow us to improve it.

Advertisement Cookies

Cookies from Facebook: cookies de redes sociales externas , cuya temporalidad, finalidad depende de la red social.

Se utilizan  varias cookies para gestionar la publicidad, esto nos ayuda a captar nuevos clientes, seguir creciendo y ofrecer un servicio de calidad y una cuenta gratuita. Las cookies que se utilizan son:

– Doubleclick (Google, Inc.). That offers information about the ads that have been shown to a user, which ones have been more effective and if they have reached our website through them.

In any case, at any time you can deactivate or reject these cookies through your browser, we indicate some links where it is indicated how to do it:

Chrome, from

Explorer, from

Firefox, from

Safari, from

Acceptance of this privacy policy implies that the user has been informed in a clear and complete way about the use of data storage and recovery devices (cookies) as well as that has the user’s consent for the use of the same as established in article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE).

Here is our policy privacy. 

Thanks for understanding.

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